Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter memories...

Spent a wonderful afternoon with in-laws and family from Jackson, Mi. Sunday.
What a great time! We ate, got up to date with family, ate, laughed, ate, played games, ate, then wrapped up festivities with a good old fashioned Easter egg hunt.

Watching neices and other wide eyed youngster relatives scour Grandpa's acres for plastic eggs, My brain (and nose) took me back to the 1970's when I hunted the real thing. I still chuckle when I remember the egg dad found several weeks later, beneath a bush, with the lawn mower! I can smell it to this day! It sure did clean out the sinuses! Plastic eggs. Ingenious!

I love Easter! Church services always strengthen faith and renew hope. Flowers remind us of new beginnings, eggs of an empty tomb and darn it, kids think bunnies are cute and they're right.

We'll be talking Easter this week on the show and I'll be sharing some fun Easter statistics here later in the week. And don't forget, Wild Bill is live from Florida every morning this week 6a-10a!

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