Thursday, April 9, 2009

Favorite Easter candy...

Probably malted milk eggs or plain old marshmallow eggs. I like Peeps, but only after they've dried up on the counter for a few days. Just in case you care, here are some fun Peeps facts.

· The amount of Peeps chicks and bunnies eaten at Easter could more than circle Earth’s circumference.

· The number of Peeps chicks, bunnies and other shapes made each day could make a path from the factory door in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, to the state of Maryland.

· The Peeps machines can crank out 3,800 Peeps per minute.

· It would take approximately 172 million Peeps bunnies end-to-end to circle the moon.

· Over 70 million Peeps chicks lined up beak-to-tail are needed to reach from New York to Los Angeles.

· If you had 8,000 Peeps bunnies, and you stood them in a straight vertical line, you could reach the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago.

· Each Peeps chick has 32 calories and 0 grams of fat.

· Peeps chicks and bunnies come in 5 colors. Yellow chicks are the most popular, followed by pink, lavender, blue and white.

· In the early 1950s, it took 27 hours to make one Peeps chick. Today it takes six minutes.

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