Monday, April 13, 2009

Ruff life!

Over the weekend, the media leaked the name and breed of the new Presidential Pet.
Here are some of the more interesting first animals that have paraded through the White House in history. Find out more at

George Washington
Polly the parrot, 36 hounds and several horses.

Thomas Jefferson
A mockingbird and two bear cubs, a gift from Lewis and Clark.

John Quincy Adams
An alligator and silkworms.

Martin Van Buren
Two tiger cubs.

James Buchanan
Lara, a Newfoundland, an eagle and an elephant.

Abraham Lincoln
Jack the turkey, two goats named Nanny and Nanko, and several ponies, cats, dogs, pigs, and a white rabbit.

John F. Kennedy
Tom Kitten the cat, Robin the canary, Zsa Zsa the rabbit, Sardar the horse, and ponies named Macaroni, Tex, and Leprechaun. He also had parakeets, hamsters, and dogs.

Richard Nixon
Checkers the cocker spaniel, Vicky the poodle, Pasha the terrier, and some fish.

George H. W. Bush
Millie, a Springer spaniel, and Ranger – one of Millie’s pups.

Bill Clinton
Socks the cat and Buddy the chocolate Labrador retriever.

George W. Bush
Spot the Springer spaniel, Barney the Scottish terrier, India (“Willie”) the cat, and a Scottish terrier named Miss Beazley.

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