Monday, May 18, 2009

Whatever you're doing. Stop.

Nation To Remember Fallen Heroes On Memorial Day

The White House Commission on Remembrance has announced highlights of activities that will unfold across the country at 3:00 p.m. local time on May 25th as Americans pause to remember the nation’s fallen heroes. The President, in his Memorial Day Proclamation, will call on Americans to observe the National Moment of Remembrance. Major League Baseball games will stop, the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C. will halt, Amtrak trains will blow their whistles, Buglers Across America will play “Taps,” and the National Grocers Association and Food Marketing Institute will ask shoppers to pause in stores nationwide to remember the fallen. Citizens are asked to pause, wherever they may be, and reflect on the sacrifices made for our freedoms. The Moment was created by the Commission after its Director asked a group of children visiting the Nation’s Capitol, “What is the meaning of Memorial Day?” Their reply was, “It’s the day the pools open.” Their innocent response, combined with a Gallup Poll that revealed only 28% of Americans know the true meaning of this holiday, resulted in the launch of the National Moment of Remembrance. Pretty cool. And about time!

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