Tuesday, May 19, 2009



Every rule of thumb you’ve ever wondered about is right here at this site. Rules of thumb are like life mottos, something to live by. And finally a Web site has brought them all together so we can study and memorize them to lead fuller, happier lives. From driving to relationships, RulesOfThumb.org has them all. Some are useful: “Don’t pull the choke in a motor boat if the motor was running within the past 20 minutes,” while others are humorous: “It is said that 1 out of 3 men are ugly. If you look at 2 friends and they are good looking, you’re the ugly one.” Enjoy!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tall people actually make more $$

No way. Tall people actually earn higher wages than their vertically-challenged counterparts, while being obese does not mean a slimmed-down pay package, according to a new study. Researchers found a strong link between wages and height, particularly for men, with each additional four inches of height adding 3% to hourly wages. The “height premium” was 2% for women, according to researchers from the University of Sydney and Canberra’s Australian National University. They calculated that every two inches above the average height of 5-feet-10-inches boosted a male’s wages by the equivalent of an extra year’s experience in the labor force. The researchers, who examined health and income data from almost 20,000 Australians, also found that being overweight didn’t mean a light paycheck, going against previous studies.

Anybody got some stilts?

Whatever you're doing. Stop.

Nation To Remember Fallen Heroes On Memorial Day

The White House Commission on Remembrance has announced highlights of activities that will unfold across the country at 3:00 p.m. local time on May 25th as Americans pause to remember the nation’s fallen heroes. The President, in his Memorial Day Proclamation, will call on Americans to observe the National Moment of Remembrance. Major League Baseball games will stop, the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C. will halt, Amtrak trains will blow their whistles, Buglers Across America will play “Taps,” and the National Grocers Association and Food Marketing Institute will ask shoppers to pause in stores nationwide to remember the fallen. Citizens are asked to pause, wherever they may be, and reflect on the sacrifices made for our freedoms. The Moment was created by the Commission after its Director asked a group of children visiting the Nation’s Capitol, “What is the meaning of Memorial Day?” Their reply was, “It’s the day the pools open.” Their innocent response, combined with a Gallup Poll that revealed only 28% of Americans know the true meaning of this holiday, resulted in the launch of the National Moment of Remembrance. Pretty cool. And about time!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Today is an ODD day...

For the mathematically challenged, today’s date 5/7/09 is one of only six this century that will feature three consecutive odd numbers. Numbers lovers say the rare occurrence is an excuse to celebrate. The previous stretch of six dates like this started with 1/3/1905, according to Ron Gordon, a teacher in California who enthusiastically promotes numerical holidays, like Square Root Day on 3/3/09. Gordon is offering a prize of $579 to someone who celebrates the date with the most zeal or gets the most people involved in an Odd Celebration. Be creative. Be Odd!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Funny or Sad?

An 82-year-old man from Goslar in central Germany became so annoyed at hearing the same serenade over and over and over that he called police to report his noisy neighbors. When police arrived, they discovered all of the noise was coming from a musical greeting card sitting on his windowsill. An occasional breeze opened the card just enough to play a tune that soon became very irritating.

What's in a name...

Be Careful What You Name Your Baby!

It’s always a good idea to stick with the tried-and-true, especially when it comes to naming your baby. After all, what parent would ever want their child growing up with a horrendous name because they thought it was cool or different? A new study from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania has found that faddish baby names tend to fizzle. The study examined 2,570 names given children in France between 1900 and 2004. It also looked at names that were given to at least 1,850 babies in the U.S. that were common for at least six years. Researchers found that many names grew in popularity over decades and then dumped. The name “Charlene,” for example, was most popular from about 1930 to 1970, before becoming almost unheard of by 2000. The names “Kristi” and “Tricia,” by contrast, shot up in popularity in the early 1970s but lost much of their appeal by 1985. The name “Shaniqua” also demonstrates the fad phenomenon. According to BabyNameWizard.com, a Web site that tracks baby names, the name shot up in popularity in the 1980s and 1990s, but vanished by 2000.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Is your Boss a Co-worker, Butthead or Bully?

Is your boss a bully who needs to feel important and boosts his ego by micromanaging?

Maybe you work with someone who is so afraid of facing criticism that problems go unsolved because they don’t speak up. Then there’s the genius down the hall who has the answer to everything, but doesn’t do anything. If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. According to professor Sylvia Lafair, whose book “Don’t Bring It To Work: Breaking The Family Patterns That Limit Success,” as much as we would like to believe that our behavior is entirely rational, our thoughts and actions may drive us to act as we did when we were a child. Lafair says that “under pressure we tend to revert to old patterns,” and who of us isn’t under pressure these days? Does that mean the country is full of a bunch of babies? Not necessarily. According to Lafair, employees fit into 13 personality types – including the persecutor, the avoider, the clown, the martyr and the rebel – and how they got that way. She says the successful ones are the ones whose success is built on self-knowledge and introspection. For a lot of stressed out managers, “Don’t Bring It To Work” might be a good place to start.

ps: Boss. NONE of this is about you..

Monday, May 4, 2009

Kudos to HMS

To Jim, Patty and the crew at Hartford Motor Speedway, WOW!

Friday night was opening night and I am so impressed at how much FASTER and more EXCITING the races are after the addition of more clay to the track in the off season. We really are lucky to have one of Michigan's only 5/8 mile tracks.

You can bet i'll be in the stands a lot more this season! For a complete schedule of events visit:

See you at the track!

You gotta be kiddin' me

Carwash Customer Goes Wrong Way Through Tunnel

A carwash customer recently entered through the exit of a Metro Express Car Wash conveyor tunnel in Boise, Idaho. The exit door apparently opened automatically, and the driver proceeded to drive through the tunnel, exiting at the entrance. None of the carwash equipment activated, and no other vehicles were inside the tunnel. The driver reportedly paid for a carwash and went back through the tunnel in the right direction. Do NOT try this at Sparkle!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Bird Loses It's Breakfast, Causes Power Outage

Ok. If THIS doesn't make you smile, nothing will!

Utility workers in Salem, Oregon, suspect an osprey lost its breakfast, dropping a fish on a power line and knocking out power to several homeowners. Salem Electric workers called to an outage on the west side of the state capital Wednesday found a scorched 14-inch fish beneath the line. The workers believe it was a carp. Oregon Public Utility Commission spokesman Bob Valdez said an outage caused by a fish is rare; sizzled squirrel is much more common.

Burp. Zap.